is it just me , or would anyone who has any type of self respect for themselves would have CURSED THIS MAN THE F*%K OUT !!!.. Laurence Fishburne's daughter claims she wants to be in the adult industry ... as you can see not all people who may be fortunate aren't as classy as us "regular" people.. how does this make your dad look??.. i would call this 19 YR OLD GIRL every type of slutty whores in the book ... claims she has " out of camera experience , she does what she does and she does it well" ... god bless this female isn't only screaming for attention she probably is insecure with herself so chose this path to go down.. GOD BLESS YOU little deranged girl ..may every type of higher power be with you lol
memories , events , random thoughts of a pretty girl living in a pretty f&%ked up world... enjoy
Saturday, July 31, 2010
lmao i am NOT laughing at the situation at hand , because as you can see it is utterly a disturbing thing that has happen but BABY LOVE lmaoo who is this guy with the head scarf looking like beatle juice?? i could not help but to laugh while watching things ... is the daily news turning into pure comedy??? " HE'S CLIMBING IN YA WINDOWS,HE'S SNATCHING YA PEOPLE UP TRYNA RAPE EM ,SO YA NEED TO HIDE YA KIDS , HIDE YA WIFE , AND HIDE YA HUSBANDS CAUSE THEY ARE RAPING EVERYBODY OUT HEA"
Friday, July 30, 2010
.Many people get hurt in the world , things happen people are trifling , people do one another wrong ... in the journey of learning to trust again TRUST YOURSELF to be able to trust another ... Recognize the need to trust again Some people fool themselves into believing that they do not need to have close relationships in their lives. However, human beings are social creatures, and need one another. Without trust, you cannot have a close relationship. Without a close relationship, life can seem empty , all because you feel as though that one person did you wrong , that all others are capable of doing the same , not everyone is weak , not everyone is greedy , not everyone is trifling ... Be patient with your progress, After you have been betrayed it can seem like a life long challenge to learn to trust again to allow yourself to take another being serious , to NOT accuse , to NOT judge... all these things because of ONE SINGLE PERSON? there are millons , even billions of people in the world . Give yourself the time and space you need to ease back into trusting another person again yourself to be OKAY if you are betrayed in manyyy cases the fear is not of the other person betraying , back stabbing , two timing you its the fear of being strong enough to handle betrayal... don't go soul searching for someone to complete all your needs not one person is perfect in this world ... if they don't fit your needs they can LEARN to fit them...
let go , and let god...
there will ALWAYS be someone better , there will ALWAYS be someone who is willing , there will ALWAYS be someone to pick up where you left off .. its your duty to let them in...
in better wording
let go , and let god...
there will ALWAYS be someone better , there will ALWAYS be someone who is willing , there will ALWAYS be someone to pick up where you left off .. its your duty to let them in...
in better wording
Thursday, July 29, 2010
ill keep you posted.. but for now
<3 , <3 , <3 , <3 , <3 , <3 , <3 , <3 , <3.....
to be continued...i think i may have some news for you guys very very soon...
to be continued...i think i may have some news for you guys very very soon...
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
so as you can see i have that little cunty pink live traffic thingy majig on the right side of my page , i find it soo interesting that people have viewed my blog from Jersey City, New York , North Carolina , Georgia , Hillsborough ,Weekhawken, South Carolina , West Palm beach , Philly ,Cali ,Monclair, Wayne , New brunswick ,... :) i appreciate you all .. thanks for listening/reading ;-*
"why men go for women that are not for them , but ignore women that would kill for them.."
upon request... "chasing women we know are not for us , while pushing the ones that would kill for us to the side."
In most relationships ,wether titled or not .. once the one of the two feels as though they "have " the other right where they want them , they begin to search else where because in their MIND they believe , the women who would "kill for him" is soo wrapped up that she /he would never have the thought of leaving the other person... well THERE ISN'T A LOVE IN THIS WORLD THAT CAUSES YOU TO CONTINUOUSLY GET HURT...
Guys/females usually go for the baller type that will buy their girl/boy anything they like , or the ones that are just plain old pretty/handsome knowing they aren't about nothing... in some cases guys will go after another mans GURL just to feel inpowered ..unfortunately there are some females out here that fall for the trick... and feel as though they are "the shit" or the" baddest bitch" just because they are sleeping with somebody else's man and will continue to say things such as " ask your man about me " ??? i never really understood that much... however some guys/females fall for the person who is "there for right now" instead of thinking about the female/male who has been there all along ...tend to get so caught up in "right now" that they don't realize you infact are probably "mrs/mr popular's" (right now) chances are they will leave you.. you lose them exactly how you get em..most of the time guys are just looking for FUN they'll roam and EXPECT to easily come home.. and us women become so attached we let them "/ ... never listen to the ' i was just fucking them girls i was gon get right back" if thats the case babygirl's you could have been "fucking those dudes" and never got back...
There are many reasons as to why men go for the females that aren't good for them and ignore the good ones up until SHE LEAVES YOU.. then you expect to come right now.. when all could have been prevented if you would have realized at the time instead of waiting till she leaves....having sex with more than one women is a HUGE ego boost for men (unfortunately) "rolls eyes'.. or he could just be looking for something with 'no strings attached"..and plain and simple some men cheat because they just dont take their relationship serious ...guys are (sometimes) single-minded and dont think about the consequences of their actions which is always their down fall...
HOW EVER for my fellas .. at times your women could just be plain focus on "mrs.right now" because you have done either of the above..
1. fallen out of love
2.not ready for a commitment
3.have different likes and dislikes in a female longer attracted
5.bored in your relationship satisfied
7.may not fulfill sexually needs
8.dont feel appreciated in current relationship
AND THOSE ARE ALL REASONS YOU SHOULD LEAVE A RELATIONSHIP after constantly trying to fix .. you still feel this way leave.. but not with mr/mrs RIGHT NOW...
In most relationships ,wether titled or not .. once the one of the two feels as though they "have " the other right where they want them , they begin to search else where because in their MIND they believe , the women who would "kill for him" is soo wrapped up that she /he would never have the thought of leaving the other person... well THERE ISN'T A LOVE IN THIS WORLD THAT CAUSES YOU TO CONTINUOUSLY GET HURT...
Guys/females usually go for the baller type that will buy their girl/boy anything they like , or the ones that are just plain old pretty/handsome knowing they aren't about nothing... in some cases guys will go after another mans GURL just to feel inpowered ..unfortunately there are some females out here that fall for the trick... and feel as though they are "the shit" or the" baddest bitch" just because they are sleeping with somebody else's man and will continue to say things such as " ask your man about me " ??? i never really understood that much... however some guys/females fall for the person who is "there for right now" instead of thinking about the female/male who has been there all along ...tend to get so caught up in "right now" that they don't realize you infact are probably "mrs/mr popular's" (right now) chances are they will leave you.. you lose them exactly how you get em..most of the time guys are just looking for FUN they'll roam and EXPECT to easily come home.. and us women become so attached we let them "/ ... never listen to the ' i was just fucking them girls i was gon get right back" if thats the case babygirl's you could have been "fucking those dudes" and never got back...
There are many reasons as to why men go for the females that aren't good for them and ignore the good ones up until SHE LEAVES YOU.. then you expect to come right now.. when all could have been prevented if you would have realized at the time instead of waiting till she leaves....having sex with more than one women is a HUGE ego boost for men (unfortunately) "rolls eyes'.. or he could just be looking for something with 'no strings attached"..and plain and simple some men cheat because they just dont take their relationship serious ...guys are (sometimes) single-minded and dont think about the consequences of their actions which is always their down fall...
HOW EVER for my fellas .. at times your women could just be plain focus on "mrs.right now" because you have done either of the above..
1. fallen out of love
2.not ready for a commitment
3.have different likes and dislikes in a female longer attracted
5.bored in your relationship satisfied
7.may not fulfill sexually needs
8.dont feel appreciated in current relationship
AND THOSE ARE ALL REASONS YOU SHOULD LEAVE A RELATIONSHIP after constantly trying to fix .. you still feel this way leave.. but not with mr/mrs RIGHT NOW...
what i miss most about being in a relationship...
what i miss most about being a relationship the feeling of actually having someone there , you know when you always know you have a significant other there at times when you just need someone to talk to , have a person to text through out the middle of the day just to say "i miss you" or "thinking of you".... this may sound crazy but i miss people talking " oh thats _____ girl " lol ... i miss sleeping with someone at night , or just the feeling of having someone to come home to at the end of the night ... i miss being called "babe' ... i miss sharing my emotions with someone i care about ,i miss waking up being called a name lol morning & goodnight kisses, i miss surprises ,I MISS KISSING .i miss having a support system (other than my family) i actually miss having someone to argue with...i miss phone conversations considering the fact i HATE talking on the phone ...i miss couple-y pictures .. i miss the "awwww'sss" ... There are plenty things that i miss about being in a relationship.BUT i choose not to think of them...some people are brought into your life to teach you things & then you grow...
small shit to a giant though... im goooooooood. :p
small shit to a giant though... im goooooooood. :p
Sunday, July 25, 2010
true friend- years nessaraly don't amount to a friend ship ,however you should be very mindful of the NEW people you allow in your life there are sick mo'fo's out here who might see something in you that you don't see in yourself so they'll hang around you and take from you ... have you sit and tell all your business because you THINK your information is solidly between you and your "FRIEND" tuh... there are people out there to get you believe it or not.. a REAL friend will tell you on those days you look like hell ... a real friend is the one person you feel you can go to about every and anything without being judged. a friend should have no problem expressing good or bad feeling with you.. if you have to ask yourself if you should tell that person about any secret or new thing (joints) then most likely their not your friend... a true friend you can hang out with and just genuinely have a GOOD TIME ... not the ones who are with you and texting their people talking about you ...a real friend is the one person who wont ever give up on you , a friend see's something in you that you don't see in yourself... a real friend is someone you can BUILD with ( i don't know exactly how to explain this , but you should feed off of it )
a REAL friend isn't the person who constantly use's you , a real friend isn't the person who is ready to completely walk out of your life if you happen to have a slight argument , a real friend isn't the person who is envious of YOUR happiness because they might be bitter (sour apple bitter b*tches i aint f%cking w. them ) ... a real friend isn't the person who talks to a previous boyfriend , creep , joint etc... a real friend doesn't walk OUT of your life when a new person walks IN ... distance shouldn't be a problem in a real friendship... Real and true friendship involves freedom of choice, accountability, truth, and forgiveness.
if you have to question what a REAL friend is , chances are you don't have any "/ LES FRIENDS ARE THE BESTFRIENDS...
howeverrrrrrrrrrr.. IM ALWAYS LOOKING FOR NEW FRIENDS hit me up sluts and slores :)
a REAL friend isn't the person who constantly use's you , a real friend isn't the person who is ready to completely walk out of your life if you happen to have a slight argument , a real friend isn't the person who is envious of YOUR happiness because they might be bitter (sour apple bitter b*tches i aint f%cking w. them ) ... a real friend isn't the person who talks to a previous boyfriend , creep , joint etc... a real friend doesn't walk OUT of your life when a new person walks IN ... distance shouldn't be a problem in a real friendship... Real and true friendship involves freedom of choice, accountability, truth, and forgiveness.
if you have to question what a REAL friend is , chances are you don't have any "/ LES FRIENDS ARE THE BESTFRIENDS...
howeverrrrrrrrrrr.. IM ALWAYS LOOKING FOR NEW FRIENDS hit me up sluts and slores :)
1. IM NOT IMPRESSED MUCH - please do NOT come into my life trying to impress me bragging about all this money to blow you have , jewls , cars , gucci , fendi , luie ... im NOT impressed .i actually hate people who brag ..these are mostly people who've never had much in their past so they feel the need to brag for attention or "fake" fame... pretty please i BEG you do not try to impress me...people with the MOST money don't brag ;)
2.IM HIP TO THE GAME- don't try to run game to me , i've heard just about every pick up line there is ... do NOT lie to me once you start the first lie you have to back that lie up with a 100 lies which could have all been prevented by simply telling the truth..
3.I LOSE INTEREST VERY FAST- please be exciting , make me laugh , curse at me , crack on me , romance and all in one.. don't TRY to hard , don't not try... talk to me about the fat ass you saw in the club , invite me to the strip club shit i want to come to... don't ever ...don't always feel like you have a g i r l and not a friend... i enjoy you telling about your day to day life be interesting...
4. IM N E V E R HOLLYWOOD- if you have something to say , SAY IT.. im never ever never stuck up , conceited ,or un interested unless there messages like "omg girl id eat your ____ like no other damn girlll " chances are i wont even read it... BUT im always interest in new things... you can speak people
5. UNDERSTAND MY PERSONALITY- im extremely goofy , i do stupid dances all over my house , im loud ( natural voice) , im obnoxious , before my diet i actually like to eat , im blunt , i DONT like talking on the phone unless i like you and your exciting , i can be a bitch because i know a fronter , liar , wanna be , from miles away... i read people very very well... i like to have FUN alot.. i do not enjoy jersey city at times... i find potential in people that they don't see in themselves.. i don't believe all men are dogs but i can point out a dog when i see one......i do NOT approach any guys, however , you'll love me..
6.WHAT I EXPECT FROM A RELATIONSHIP- trust which is hard to find,, a friend omg i can not stress enough you can be my friend im not the jealous crazy bitch until you make me that way... be public about your relationship there shouldn't be other females calling you 'babe , baby" etc... don't be afraid to come to me about things , COMMUNICATE, never bore me ..i hate feeling like im just in a relationship 'just because' have fun live a little .. slap the living shit out of me with a pillow off guard... kiss me while im screaming at you.. do random cute things, show time , be down to earth , don't kill me with the ol kill me f*ckery ... DONT TRY TO HARD be yourself...
7.NEVER BE INTIMIDATED BY ME- be y o u rself.. there is no one in this WORLD you'er than YOU ... im regular as HELL.. very very chill ... from an outsiders view i may seem like a conceited ,stuck up , prissy typical lightskin snooby bitch... however im the idiot to fall going UP the stairs , the girl who wears sneakers at times , i snork when i laugh hard , my voice isn't sexy at all infact its rather raspy , i've had opportunities to date some people people BUT im shy at times and get irked... im loud im crazy , i eat like a pig , i walk around in my panties and bra allday if i could walk naked through out the world i would ... my room gets messy BUT im a neat freak anywhere else , i have OCD to certain things , i get good grades in school SOMETIME.. i curse , i yell im ZADASIA. you'll like me .. you don't need to impress darling.
2.IM HIP TO THE GAME- don't try to run game to me , i've heard just about every pick up line there is ... do NOT lie to me once you start the first lie you have to back that lie up with a 100 lies which could have all been prevented by simply telling the truth..
3.I LOSE INTEREST VERY FAST- please be exciting , make me laugh , curse at me , crack on me , romance and all in one.. don't TRY to hard , don't not try... talk to me about the fat ass you saw in the club , invite me to the strip club shit i want to come to... don't ever ...don't always feel like you have a g i r l and not a friend... i enjoy you telling about your day to day life be interesting...
4. IM N E V E R HOLLYWOOD- if you have something to say , SAY IT.. im never ever never stuck up , conceited ,or un interested unless there messages like "omg girl id eat your ____ like no other damn girlll " chances are i wont even read it... BUT im always interest in new things... you can speak people
5. UNDERSTAND MY PERSONALITY- im extremely goofy , i do stupid dances all over my house , im loud ( natural voice) , im obnoxious , before my diet i actually like to eat , im blunt , i DONT like talking on the phone unless i like you and your exciting , i can be a bitch because i know a fronter , liar , wanna be , from miles away... i read people very very well... i like to have FUN alot.. i do not enjoy jersey city at times... i find potential in people that they don't see in themselves.. i don't believe all men are dogs but i can point out a dog when i see one......i do NOT approach any guys, however , you'll love me..
6.WHAT I EXPECT FROM A RELATIONSHIP- trust which is hard to find,, a friend omg i can not stress enough you can be my friend im not the jealous crazy bitch until you make me that way... be public about your relationship there shouldn't be other females calling you 'babe , baby" etc... don't be afraid to come to me about things , COMMUNICATE, never bore me ..i hate feeling like im just in a relationship 'just because' have fun live a little .. slap the living shit out of me with a pillow off guard... kiss me while im screaming at you.. do random cute things, show time , be down to earth , don't kill me with the ol kill me f*ckery ... DONT TRY TO HARD be yourself...
7.NEVER BE INTIMIDATED BY ME- be y o u rself.. there is no one in this WORLD you'er than YOU ... im regular as HELL.. very very chill ... from an outsiders view i may seem like a conceited ,stuck up , prissy typical lightskin snooby bitch... however im the idiot to fall going UP the stairs , the girl who wears sneakers at times , i snork when i laugh hard , my voice isn't sexy at all infact its rather raspy , i've had opportunities to date some people people BUT im shy at times and get irked... im loud im crazy , i eat like a pig , i walk around in my panties and bra allday if i could walk naked through out the world i would ... my room gets messy BUT im a neat freak anywhere else , i have OCD to certain things , i get good grades in school SOMETIME.. i curse , i yell im ZADASIA. you'll like me .. you don't need to impress darling.

So one day i came up with the idea to have a bigg bigg Cookout , no birthdays , no college celebration , no event , so special occasion just a cookout ... so i brought the idea to Darrin & Terry and set it in stone.. AUGUST 14TH will be one of the biggest cookouts in jersey , i dont know why im planning as if it we're a wedding... "all i see is fireworks" the cookout :).... a large variety of different foods , (free) . beverages (free) , live DJ , photographer and much more ... i hope to see you all there and looking forward to meeting you all :)
<3 Zadasiaaa

ahh so i finally hung out with my r e a l friends lastnight , we caught up on so so much spent our whole day at the hotel swimming laughing , having pretty punch ;) to annoying bronzie acting stupid allday lol .. they TRIED to teach me to "sexy walk" ( knowing damn well i dont have a idea of how to do anyones sexy walk , now sexy face that i can do lol) .. all around i can say lastnight made me realize how much i've missed them ..not one weird of out of place moment.. JASMINE , ALEXIS , MONET , DAYA , BRONZIE (wish ) KAYLA , ARABIA , were there..
along with yannie , & ronique
Friday, July 23, 2010

Well someone wrote me and asked to do a blog on what to wear when you 1.Going to the club , 2.School 3.Chilling , 4.Keeping it pretty but cheap as well so here it goes ..
1. Clubbing -(fitted blue dress,clutch) when i go to the club , im not the girl to show all my skin like the little net body suits with nothing under {yuck}.. or holes and booty & breast everywhere... don't do too too much and NEVER do to little ... be just right...
2. School- (baggy shirt , tights , mocs )when i first started College , of course i wanted to do the whole "let me get dressed up everyday" heels , booties , etc... but realized i just dont have the time to wake up 2hrs early just to look cute lol so tights , baggy vneck , uggs ,sloppy bun was my attire..
3. Chilling-(hat jeans , combat boots)when im just sort of chilling not doing much , mostly poom poom with a boyfriend shirt tied at the stomach ,.ripped jeans , cut up shirts, unlike most females i enjoy wearing hats , combat boots , and ugly things making them cute...
4.Keeping it cute -(jumper) hmm i guess this is more of a personal style thing..i love picking up little cheap things and making them look like a brand .. but on another hand i love BRANDS lol so i guess its sort of whatever works for me i just put together... name brand jeans , baggy little shirt , and flipfloops/heels is CUNTTT .!!
5.How to keep it cheap.- this is simple buy things that you think is CUTE dont worry about what people have to say. the only only thing i DO NOT believe in is cheap heels it could just be me... wear anything YOU LIKE...
message from kim ...
" Zadasia ' seriously your blogs are really touching me "/ some things i can relate 2 and something i can't and some things im really shocked at' because you come off so different but reading ur blogs makin me see a different you'"
aww i love her
aww i love her
sister just said this to me ...lmao
" hmmm any of youu bitches want some Pinnacle ? four loko? because IIIIIIIII AM F*%KINGGGGGG DRUNK RIGHT NOW" lmaoo i thought that was the funniest thing in the world lmfao

lol sooo lastnight lastnight lastnight .... CHOCOLATE wasted lol... me Darrin and Terry decided to go out since little ol Darrin has been in MIA for 3days WITHOUT us might i add... Our journey started at Brother Jimmys (thee BOMB) who goes to a restaurant just to find out what this "fish bowl" thing is about... US and boy did we find out we all got a swap water drink when i say its a must go i mean really you guys must gooo ....okay so while sitting down enjoying our drink terry decides he wants to go to BBQS...of course we listen .driving driving driving we find a parking spot (at least thats what we thought)and walk 3blocks to BBQS. i get a apple martini frozen (another must have) .. darrin gets a "cherry bomb" .. terry ( no drink) .. of course im the drunk talker ,sitting laughing ,talking about everything... on our walk back ( still laughing , talking , vouging , walking) we get to the block where the car was parked ...and i hear a "WHAT THE FU%K" lmao i already knew what happen by the tone in Darrin's voice ...lmaoo of course the car got towed ... then we get harassed by some homeless middle aged white women who called us " african american blacks" lmfao.. then here comes Terry calling this women every type of female dog you can imagine ... we find out the car is alllllll the way on the West side highway (38th and 12th) mind you we're on 41st and 6th ...walking walking walking.. i run into a horse { thank the lord it didnt kick me} :)... we then get to the pound to find out we cant get the car ... im sleeping in the place get into the story lol i open one eye and see Deon ( darrins brother ) sitting beside me ..lmaoo long story short im glad i woke up to remember lastnight... welcome to my random life
Thursday, July 22, 2010
How to slowly , but surely get over your ex...
Here is my list of ways to s l o w l y but surely get over your ex boyfriend/girlfriend....Although this may seem like a difficult task to do , i'm the QUEEN or removing people completely out of my life...'(this is if you really want nothing else to do with the person , no contact no friendship no anything)
1. REMOVE him/her from any social websites facebook /twitter etc.- i know you want to keep him there to do your every day spy check , you have the urge to see his/her updates what females/males are saying to them and the comments they might leave.. but why leave room for yourself to get upset? delete him/her ..don't sign on to your friends emails and try to snoop lol dont half step it go all the way ..
2. When you have the urge to call , just click the 'end' button, when you go to his/her name and type a whole paragraph of things you want to send , and send 5minutes reading it over and over knowing you know EXACTLY what it says , and you keep asking youself should you send it..NO erase it ...
3.DELETE his/her number ..- on those nights when your missing their company , your fingers will start to talking , texting , and calling... giving him/her the pleasure of knowing 'yup i got them thinking of me , calling my phone "etc.. delete it ..if your anything like me you don't remember numbers by
4. Surround yourself with fun people -, go out sometimes live a little ... fresh out of a breakup lonely is exactly what you need not to be... DO NOT GET DRUNK and get to dailing , sometimes this happens after you have a few drinks or two or three you get the desire to call and express feelings..(leading back up number 5 DELETE THE NUMBER)
5. Avoid the friendship zone- in a perfect world , people are "happy for him/her even when its not with you" puhleaseee who are you fooling?...everyones friends until one of you slips up and calls the other "babe" or" just come over one last time" one thing leads to another .uhh umm no no THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BEING "FRIENDS" WITH AN EX...
6.LEARN THE LESSON-. always ask yourself the 5 "w"s... who , what , when , where , and why...who caused the breakup , what was the shift in your relationship , when did it happen , where did you guys go wrong , and why did you guys let it get to the point of a breakup ... once you figure this out , especially if it was the others fault .. it should give you that much more reason to get over him/her...
7.DONT HOLD ON- those basketball shorts , those t-shirts , underwear etc.. when you miss him/her don't go to the ex draw and grab on to these items and get to "thinking" if your anything like me BURN them lol :)
8.DONT CALL A BOOTY CALL-your probably going to have the " i don't need this b*tch /n*gga f him " blah blah blah .. "i can get anybody i want" ..yeah puhlease .. dont get to calling random ppl over all your going to do is think about him/her while your with this random person and probably get to telling them about the breakup ..
9.NEVER MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE - understand the problem in your past relationship and how not to bring it to your future relationship ,learn from the situation , let go and move on..
10.LASTLY .- if you happen to run into him or her , don't do the roll eyes , and " there his no good ass go" or " look at this clown" .. nope make sure your looking gooood and simply "smile" not a dramatic , not to much , not to little.... and a hand wave.. you no longer have their number , but i bet they still have yours ,you'll probably receive a little text later on in the day ..IGNORE lol ;)
1. REMOVE him/her from any social websites facebook /twitter etc.- i know you want to keep him there to do your every day spy check , you have the urge to see his/her updates what females/males are saying to them and the comments they might leave.. but why leave room for yourself to get upset? delete him/her ..don't sign on to your friends emails and try to snoop lol dont half step it go all the way ..
2. When you have the urge to call , just click the 'end' button, when you go to his/her name and type a whole paragraph of things you want to send , and send 5minutes reading it over and over knowing you know EXACTLY what it says , and you keep asking youself should you send it..NO erase it ...
3.DELETE his/her number ..- on those nights when your missing their company , your fingers will start to talking , texting , and calling... giving him/her the pleasure of knowing 'yup i got them thinking of me , calling my phone "etc.. delete it ..if your anything like me you don't remember numbers by
4. Surround yourself with fun people -, go out sometimes live a little ... fresh out of a breakup lonely is exactly what you need not to be... DO NOT GET DRUNK and get to dailing , sometimes this happens after you have a few drinks or two or three you get the desire to call and express feelings..(leading back up number 5 DELETE THE NUMBER)
5. Avoid the friendship zone- in a perfect world , people are "happy for him/her even when its not with you" puhleaseee who are you fooling?...everyones friends until one of you slips up and calls the other "babe" or" just come over one last time" one thing leads to another .uhh umm no no THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BEING "FRIENDS" WITH AN EX...
6.LEARN THE LESSON-. always ask yourself the 5 "w"s... who , what , when , where , and why...who caused the breakup , what was the shift in your relationship , when did it happen , where did you guys go wrong , and why did you guys let it get to the point of a breakup ... once you figure this out , especially if it was the others fault .. it should give you that much more reason to get over him/her...
7.DONT HOLD ON- those basketball shorts , those t-shirts , underwear etc.. when you miss him/her don't go to the ex draw and grab on to these items and get to "thinking" if your anything like me BURN them lol :)
8.DONT CALL A BOOTY CALL-your probably going to have the " i don't need this b*tch /n*gga f him " blah blah blah .. "i can get anybody i want" ..yeah puhlease .. dont get to calling random ppl over all your going to do is think about him/her while your with this random person and probably get to telling them about the breakup ..
9.NEVER MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE - understand the problem in your past relationship and how not to bring it to your future relationship ,learn from the situation , let go and move on..
10.LASTLY .- if you happen to run into him or her , don't do the roll eyes , and " there his no good ass go" or " look at this clown" .. nope make sure your looking gooood and simply "smile" not a dramatic , not to much , not to little.... and a hand wave.. you no longer have their number , but i bet they still have yours ,you'll probably receive a little text later on in the day ..IGNORE lol ;)
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
a message that touched me...
V. Cherry July 21 at 4:58pm Reply
"Zadasia, I remember when you were a little girl when I first met your mom, it seem so long along. You are all grown up now. I had a chance to read some of your blogs today. As someone who knew you as a little girl you make me proud!!! Mikaela is 8 years now and an honor student she wants to sing, write, cook and be a public speaker. Yes, she costs me a lot of money joining every damn thing. (I will never have another child!!!) Anyway I pray that if she has to follow anyone footsteps, let it be someone like yours. You have a lot going for you please keep up the good work. Your last blog.... My daughter feels the same way about her dad! I believe the skies the limit for you!
Aww man this one really touched me , and gave me the "push" to keep writing , practicing , and telling my story , (not that any other feedback hasn't done the same for me) but coming from a person who has basically watched me grow .. i appreciate it genuinely ... ;)
"Zadasia, I remember when you were a little girl when I first met your mom, it seem so long along. You are all grown up now. I had a chance to read some of your blogs today. As someone who knew you as a little girl you make me proud!!! Mikaela is 8 years now and an honor student she wants to sing, write, cook and be a public speaker. Yes, she costs me a lot of money joining every damn thing. (I will never have another child!!!) Anyway I pray that if she has to follow anyone footsteps, let it be someone like yours. You have a lot going for you please keep up the good work. Your last blog.... My daughter feels the same way about her dad! I believe the skies the limit for you!
Aww man this one really touched me , and gave me the "push" to keep writing , practicing , and telling my story , (not that any other feedback hasn't done the same for me) but coming from a person who has basically watched me grow .. i appreciate it genuinely ... ;)
LYFE JENNINGS DOES IT AGAIN.. listen &pay attention
Don't be a booty call
If he don't respect you girl he gon forget you girl
If he's in a relationship
If he will cheat on her that means he will cheat on you
Tell him that you're celibate
And if he wants some of your goodies he gon have to work for it
Be the person you wanna find
Don't be a nickel out here lookin' for a dime
Don't be a booty call
If he don't respect you girl he gon forget you girl
If he's in a relationship
If he will cheat on her that means he will cheat on you
Tell him that you're celibate
And if he wants some of your goodies he gon have to work for it
Be the person you wanna find
Don't be a nickel out here lookin' for a dime
Dear , DADDY..
Dear daddy , ive grown and theres a couple things you should know and
i thank you for the sperm you 19years ago loaned and if it wasn't for you
i wouldnt of been born and , i thank you and wish your father would have
spanked you , maybe then you would have learn just HOW to be a father
but no , you slacked and i guess you wanted to mac but see i've grown
and you should know...and you lack all the qualitie's of a man and i wish
you really would have gave a damn and again i thank you for my brothers
as well as sisters see we never needed you and I wish someone would have treated you
....with some respect.. then maybe you would understand ...exactly what it is to be a MAN
but you dont , so dear daddy i WONT about the harsh things i might say ,cause maybe
just maybe one day'll see everything you DONT mean to me.. and ill install all of your
flaws in my kids building them a bridge of things NOT TO DO.and they'll one day acknowledge you
and say granddaddy , Dear granddaddy you did a good job because without you , there would be no her , there would be no me ... and one day you'll see... ill make my MOMMA proud then i can really say it LOUD.. i made it , yes daddy i've made it and .... i wanna THANK YOU...
Dear, DADDY...
i thank you for the sperm you 19years ago loaned and if it wasn't for you
i wouldnt of been born and , i thank you and wish your father would have
spanked you , maybe then you would have learn just HOW to be a father
but no , you slacked and i guess you wanted to mac but see i've grown
and you should know...and you lack all the qualitie's of a man and i wish
you really would have gave a damn and again i thank you for my brothers
as well as sisters see we never needed you and I wish someone would have treated you
....with some respect.. then maybe you would understand ...exactly what it is to be a MAN
but you dont , so dear daddy i WONT about the harsh things i might say ,cause maybe
just maybe one day'll see everything you DONT mean to me.. and ill install all of your
flaws in my kids building them a bridge of things NOT TO DO.and they'll one day acknowledge you
and say granddaddy , Dear granddaddy you did a good job because without you , there would be no her , there would be no me ... and one day you'll see... ill make my MOMMA proud then i can really say it LOUD.. i made it , yes daddy i've made it and .... i wanna THANK YOU...
Dear, DADDY...
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
"Single LIFE"
"being happy alone , in order to be happy in a relationship'
if you've once been hurt , you sort of have the " ill stay single until mr.RIGHT just comes along" attitude... a bad relationship can really scar a person its your choice wether or not you let "him/her" (person from the past) have a hold on not only you but your heart .. its OKAY to have a guard up because the LORD knows i wear mine with pride... However you can NOT stay single forever .. which leads me to the topic " You have to be happy with YOURSELF in order to be happy in your RELATIONSHIP"
this is mostly for ladies , because we are the ones with the most insecurities and trust issues ..we are the ones who let men bring us down and become scar'd some even for life... find yourself ladies know yourself inside and out... become one hundred precent familiar with your feelings , abilities, disabilities , know your WORTH , being HAPPY does not mean looking for a new relationship the minute you come out of one what your REALLY doing is masking your emotions trying to find a quick,new relationship instead of trying to find and solve the problems .who's to say if you don't FIX the problem you once had in your past relationship it wont effect your new one? .. your not fully healed your most likely just seeking attention that you can find in YOURSELF.. you don't need a man / female in your life at all times.. taking breaks are always good if your problem was loneliness or low self esteem then getting into a relationship won’t solve your problems but it will only mask them and make you more vulnerable to depression right after the breakup...
The Female or Male who JUMPS right into a different relationship right after a break up , is basically soul searching for someone who can equal up to YOU ... he or she is most likely missing the love of affection you once gave them...
Being happy does not consist of having a significant other , ask yourself before them , where were you?? , how did you keep yourself entertained?
live care free, find ways to support yourself , have a steady set of friends around , laugh until you cant breath ,smile as wide as you can, sing like no one can hear, and live like theres no tomorrow.....
if you've once been hurt , you sort of have the " ill stay single until mr.RIGHT just comes along" attitude... a bad relationship can really scar a person its your choice wether or not you let "him/her" (person from the past) have a hold on not only you but your heart .. its OKAY to have a guard up because the LORD knows i wear mine with pride... However you can NOT stay single forever .. which leads me to the topic " You have to be happy with YOURSELF in order to be happy in your RELATIONSHIP"
this is mostly for ladies , because we are the ones with the most insecurities and trust issues ..we are the ones who let men bring us down and become scar'd some even for life... find yourself ladies know yourself inside and out... become one hundred precent familiar with your feelings , abilities, disabilities , know your WORTH , being HAPPY does not mean looking for a new relationship the minute you come out of one what your REALLY doing is masking your emotions trying to find a quick,new relationship instead of trying to find and solve the problems .who's to say if you don't FIX the problem you once had in your past relationship it wont effect your new one? .. your not fully healed your most likely just seeking attention that you can find in YOURSELF.. you don't need a man / female in your life at all times.. taking breaks are always good if your problem was loneliness or low self esteem then getting into a relationship won’t solve your problems but it will only mask them and make you more vulnerable to depression right after the breakup...
The Female or Male who JUMPS right into a different relationship right after a break up , is basically soul searching for someone who can equal up to YOU ... he or she is most likely missing the love of affection you once gave them...
Being happy does not consist of having a significant other , ask yourself before them , where were you?? , how did you keep yourself entertained?
live care free, find ways to support yourself , have a steady set of friends around , laugh until you cant breath ,smile as wide as you can, sing like no one can hear, and live like theres no tomorrow.....
As i lay ...

Wishful thinking once again , but i've just doing this to uplift people .. day to day i see sooo many people COMPLAIN about just life it self rather than appreciate the good things infront of them... AS MANY PROBLEMS AS I HAVE IN LIFE. psht and there are MANY .. i tend to keep smiling , keep laughing , keep doing day to day things that I SHOULD DO .. i'm and im pretty sure most of you viewers are as'well matter what your problems are remember there are people who have them worst... THANK the people who may have been absent in your life remember 'they have only shown you exactly want NOT to be, " ... Smile at the people who've looked down on you ' they will get there time chance at pure bitterness '... take with the happy , and the sad oh gosh flush it down the toilet.. life is too short to worry about the things you DONT have you better work with your givens and BUILD your lacks... ;) ...tears do nothing but waste precious makeup for my ladies lol and tears do nothing but show those ugly faces for my men :P .. IF YOU SAD learn from it and move on... the only mistake you can make is not learning from one...
Take from the bad , be HAPPY with the SAD , LEARN from the wrong , and a l w a y s always always be STRONG...-ZADASIA.R
My first video for you's..THANK YOU...
I dont know ,why its playing like an old chinese movie but whatever lol HERES MY FIRST VIDEO for you's ... thanking you for all your follows, and feed back about my blog... Thank youuu i look forward to your questions , advice , and words ...i wish to keep you guys interested and entertained..
UPON request " What to wear and What not to Wear"

Sooo i really don't exactly know how to approach this topic, simply because i DO NOT believe a brand makes you .. however i happen to "enjoy" some to a certain extent... everyone has a little fashion living inside them they just don't let it out because of insecurities , your probably afraid of what people may say to you because of the type of clothing you put together... Fashion comes Fashion goes .. Do you know how many times a year things go out of style? , every second ... YOU on the other hand have a loooong life to live so why follow trends why not have your own sense of style? that last a lifetime i'm sure people identify individuality over something they have already seen done... my advice is put anything together matching is o v e r rated lol...
When i wake up , i put a n ything together and kind of just walk out the door .. of course you know somethings are just unacceptable such as TU-TU's with a tight shirt , long socks , and jordans o_O that gets a #cmonson
every thing doesn't have to fit skin tight , if you have a little booty (like me) let your jeans sag a little , let your poom pooms fall off the butt, two tight items just don't mix , buy clothes according to your shape , if you see something you like GET it and wear it... dont second guess yourself...
Absence Fathers...
My My My , i could go on for DAYS about this topic ... From an Outsiders point of view it may seem as if e v e r y thing is peaches and creme with me , from the fact you can never catch me looking down , or to the style of clothes i wear, or how i present myself ..Behind every person is a story wether it has been told or not is up to you... NO i wasn't brought up by a Fein or Addict or some pimp father.. But i can say a fein probably equals up to everything my father is ( no he does not do drugs)... In fact he doesn't even deserve to be called a FATHER i like to say "sperm donor" my mother thinks its me but my heart doesn't.. Growing up My MOTHER has always been a father figure to me ... AND my "donor" was sort of like those friends (i mentioned earlier) who walk in & right back o u t ... of my life to the point his presence didn't even matter to me i wouldn't care if i even spoke to the bastard... I don't think i've ever met a more selfish , careless, good for nothing , WORTHless individual until i met my "DONOR"... A person who believed little SNEAKER money was what made me happy .. i mean new things are always good but once you've given a person a reason to truely grow to HATE you , you've done a life time job (bravo) ... Me and my Mom would have to hear it if i e v e r asked him for anything always complained and n e v e r offered not that i've ever had to w a n t for anything from HIM... but i'm a female sometime we need new things... It came to a point where i told myself he contributes NOTHING to my life , no support , no l o v e , no fatherly effection , no T I M E no nothing so why do i need another worthless person in my life? missed countless big accomplishments in my life such as my middle school graduation , high school graduation , and im pretty sure once i graduate college he'll be one less person in the audience ... some may say some of these things are hurtful and careless ... however i could honestly CARELESS... i don't to carry on with this topic i'd like to THANK my father for showing me exactly how i want my husband NOT to be , how i want my future children to never have the audacity to be a worthless father and how one single human being could pull of being a full time MOTHER & FATHER & picking up the "slack' of my "donor"...( my mom that is ) I don't think "DONOR'S" understand the effect they have on their children , nor will they ever to the REAL fathers outthere ( runs , jumps up , and high fives you guys) "THATS WHAT THE F%#K IM TALKING ABOUT" you guys should really be proud of yourselves.. it takes a BOY to make a baby , a MAN to raise on , .. its crazy when you wanna be nothing like your daddy
" daddys out there entertaining everybody , but missed out when it came to training for the potty"
My Mother on another hand , many of you who KNOW me personally or just have me on any social network , know the relationship me and my mother have , i may be a brat & maybe a tad bit spoiled but everything i have received so far i deserve .. i just want to thank my mother for being there with me no matter the situation for being strong for the 4 of us ( my two sisters) ... Her countless effort to g i v e so that me and my sister never had to w a n t..working to make sure w e ate .. i Appreciate the fact i can come to you about A N Y thing going on in my life , i can laugh with you , cry with you , express anything to you and whole heartedly appreciate you .. even if i dont get the chance to tell you it as much as i want .. I dont think ill fully understand your struggle untill i have a kid of my own until then ill look up and take advice from my very own superwomen ...i dont think i can say or do enough to repay you but i'd like you to know that your struggle , effort , and support is never unnoticed And even if i don't make straight A's i can ensure that I'LL MAKE YOU PROUD .even if it kills me
Love you G ... ;)
" daddys out there entertaining everybody , but missed out when it came to training for the potty"
My Mother on another hand , many of you who KNOW me personally or just have me on any social network , know the relationship me and my mother have , i may be a brat & maybe a tad bit spoiled but everything i have received so far i deserve .. i just want to thank my mother for being there with me no matter the situation for being strong for the 4 of us ( my two sisters) ... Her countless effort to g i v e so that me and my sister never had to w a n t..working to make sure w e ate .. i Appreciate the fact i can come to you about A N Y thing going on in my life , i can laugh with you , cry with you , express anything to you and whole heartedly appreciate you .. even if i dont get the chance to tell you it as much as i want .. I dont think ill fully understand your struggle untill i have a kid of my own until then ill look up and take advice from my very own superwomen ...i dont think i can say or do enough to repay you but i'd like you to know that your struggle , effort , and support is never unnoticed And even if i don't make straight A's i can ensure that I'LL MAKE YOU PROUD .even if it kills me
Love you G ... ;)
what the .. is thisssss???
words of wisdom ...
"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall..."
in "SIMPLE' words , just keep swimming just keep swimming :)
you c a n accomplish any and everything in this world , do you think your Hero's , Mentors , and the people you admire haven't started from somewhere? don't you think they all had the " i just want to give up" talk with themselves? the difference is they didn't whether they had help from others or single handedly gained their own success , THEY DID IT and so can you... your mind will always try to fight with your h e a r t ... go where ever your heart tells you..
just keep swimming ;)
in "SIMPLE' words , just keep swimming just keep swimming :)
you c a n accomplish any and everything in this world , do you think your Hero's , Mentors , and the people you admire haven't started from somewhere? don't you think they all had the " i just want to give up" talk with themselves? the difference is they didn't whether they had help from others or single handedly gained their own success , THEY DID IT and so can you... your mind will always try to fight with your h e a r t ... go where ever your heart tells you..
just keep swimming ;)
Monday, July 19, 2010
my wish , to merge my friends.
Over the years ... i've gained and came to an end with sooo many friendships ... from the TWO-FACED , TRIFLING, GOOD FOR NOTHING , DISLOYAL , BETRAYAL , TALKING OF BEHIND BACK, etc all things that just simply DO NOT equal up to a true FRIEND ... however i've kept my circle of friends v e r y small .. don't get me wrong you may catch me here and there partying , clubbing with ASSOCIATES , but friends last a lifetime .. (remember these are just random thoughts of mine ).. I wanted to take the time out to thank each and everyone of the people i can r e a l l y call FRIENDS.. not the ones i see in public and feel the urge to do the whole "walk the other way thing"... i respect , honor ,adore and have truely taken something from you guys if you guys have noticed that or not is another story...i just wish i had the ability of merging them together....
now the merging...
I think i try extremely TO TO hard trying to impress everyone i hate the fact that outsiders believe i have TWO different set of friends...i shouldn't have to feel like im "playing" someone out because of the things i may want to do on a certain day i l o v e each of you the same ... and try my b e s t to put equal amount of energy into my friendships.... College psht a different story another thing that people have a misconception of COLLEGE is just another highschool that takes a far ride to reach... DO NOT for a second think i've gone to school and have a new set of "friends" ... i went away to b e t t e r myself as well as knowledge on things i have yet to cover.. if you all actually took the time to realize small things instead of reaching for a story everything would be peanut butter and jelly ,...
Some may say " Zadasia changed" , "Zadasia is hollywood" , "Zadasia dont be with the 5 no'more" Zadasia , Zadasia , Zadasia , Zadasia , Zadasia
NO DARLING.. Zadasia g r e w UP...
now the merging...
I think i try extremely TO TO hard trying to impress everyone i hate the fact that outsiders believe i have TWO different set of friends...i shouldn't have to feel like im "playing" someone out because of the things i may want to do on a certain day i l o v e each of you the same ... and try my b e s t to put equal amount of energy into my friendships.... College psht a different story another thing that people have a misconception of COLLEGE is just another highschool that takes a far ride to reach... DO NOT for a second think i've gone to school and have a new set of "friends" ... i went away to b e t t e r myself as well as knowledge on things i have yet to cover.. if you all actually took the time to realize small things instead of reaching for a story everything would be peanut butter and jelly ,...
Some may say " Zadasia changed" , "Zadasia is hollywood" , "Zadasia dont be with the 5 no'more" Zadasia , Zadasia , Zadasia , Zadasia , Zadasia
NO DARLING.. Zadasia g r e w UP...
hmm this is a BEAUTIFUL topic , especially for myself.. i strongly believe facebook , twitter , myspace (if you people still do that whole thing) are nothing but the devil behind a computer screen... social networks one hundred precent destroy relationships, from a females point of view we know how many dirty messages ,comments , and chats we get daily if your anything like myself i can simply (i wont say ignore) but sort of not open the messages.... on another hand there are females with low self esteem who will feed into any ,compliment they receive if you do NOT feel completely secure in your relationship facebook,twitter etc is not the place for you....
From past experiences , me and my ex boyfriend we're friends on FB from my daily checkins to his page , comments , pictures etc... i guess this made the girls (groupies) sick to their little stomachs... from that point on i've received all types of messages in my inbox claiming i was a groupy , '"2nd place" , side line bitch.... thennnn there was a blog where these females took pictures off of my page and wrote about me some good , some not so good... i became outrageddd and took it out IN MY RELATIONSHIP smh which is n e v e r ... a good thing not to mention he was a LYING , CHEATING , DIRTY , SNEAKY , GOOD FOR NOTHING , TRIFLING , bastard....if you guys are going to be "friends" on these websites make it a once a week thing ....
LADIES , a man will ALWAYS flirt ,and give other females attention they CRAVE ... understand this do not get made at him simply play the game .. n e v e r let the other females get under your skin you see that is their main objective .. you simply smile at her let her and her friends do all the mumbling and snickering ... honey you simply PUMP and give the girls what they want,..
_Zadasia I Robinsonn
From past experiences , me and my ex boyfriend we're friends on FB from my daily checkins to his page , comments , pictures etc... i guess this made the girls (groupies) sick to their little stomachs... from that point on i've received all types of messages in my inbox claiming i was a groupy , '"2nd place" , side line bitch.... thennnn there was a blog where these females took pictures off of my page and wrote about me some good , some not so good... i became outrageddd and took it out IN MY RELATIONSHIP smh which is n e v e r ... a good thing not to mention he was a LYING , CHEATING , DIRTY , SNEAKY , GOOD FOR NOTHING , TRIFLING , bastard....if you guys are going to be "friends" on these websites make it a once a week thing ....
LADIES , a man will ALWAYS flirt ,and give other females attention they CRAVE ... understand this do not get made at him simply play the game .. n e v e r let the other females get under your skin you see that is their main objective .. you simply smile at her let her and her friends do all the mumbling and snickering ... honey you simply PUMP and give the girls what they want,..
_Zadasia I Robinsonn
Sunday, July 18, 2010
WORDS from my momma...
In relationships and matters of the heart trust you gut instinct if it doesn't feel right then it likely isn't. I don't have to tell you not to be fooled by the smoke and mirrors alot of guys will do and say whatever it takes to get to you but they are not sincere at heart. be cautious with who you chose to allow in your life and never waste energy and time on someone that doesn't deserve it. The guy that will likely win ur heart will likely be the guy you least expect.
i was just thinking about what we were talking about today!!!!
1 am in the morning...
i was just thinking about what we were talking about today!!!!
1 am in the morning...
whewwww, did i have a good time me , darrin , jas, terry, motha Iman , Chanou , bud , kyiona , harold omgg has anyone everbeen to The Irish Pub in the vill? right around the corner from sushi samba??? if not it is DEF a MUST GO.... my crab cake & three drinks 20dollars tax only 4.... pshttt you guys HAVE to go ... ill be posting pictures later ;)
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
thoughts as i lay.
"Letting go of the relationships that doesn't serve u leaves room for the one who deserves you"
( Moving right along , back into the "gut feeling" i mentioned on my FB page earlier "" once you feel a little shift in your relationship , once you start feeling unappreciated, unwanted, dismissed, thrown to the side, or simply unsafe in your relationship ..communication is the key thats has to the first step in a n y type of successful a n ything if that doesn't let go & let god ( of course im not getting all hallelujah [spell check] on you guys but if one doesn't appreciate and/or find the time to see your effort and commitment in YOUR relationship there is a l w a y s someone willing to. words of advice _ ZROBINSONN)
( Moving right along , back into the "gut feeling" i mentioned on my FB page earlier "" once you feel a little shift in your relationship , once you start feeling unappreciated, unwanted, dismissed, thrown to the side, or simply unsafe in your relationship ..communication is the key thats has to the first step in a n y type of successful a n ything if that doesn't let go & let god ( of course im not getting all hallelujah [spell check] on you guys but if one doesn't appreciate and/or find the time to see your effort and commitment in YOUR relationship there is a l w a y s someone willing to. words of advice _ ZROBINSONN)
love is a powerful and blinding is NOT to be played around with....never wait until its too late before you realize what you have...everyday isn't promised
always keep in mind.
" There is no passion to be found playing ,in settling for a life that is less than one you are capable of living"
introduction of Z.-zadasiaiman

Hello World , My name is Zadasia (ZUH-DAY-SHA)… i came up with the idea to start my very own blogspot basically because my life is pretty f&%king interesting if you ask me ,here you can find the many random thoughts that fly around my juke box ( head ) daily , all the cunty people that come in & OUT my life , all of my FABOLOUS friends , as well as lack of friends , fashion people in the industry ,celebs ( & the wanna bee’s ) my city , where i was brought up ,my wonderFULL family ,vulgar thoughts , sober thoughts ,happy thoughts ,sad thoughts ,funny thoughts ,boring/ lonely s i n g l e life thoughts ( which may put you to sleep ) but HEY who cares its a blogspot ? right… capture moments for you all to see and come one hundred precent r e a l …i love my life and i suggest you love yours. <3>
_ realize god has given you a unique talent , do the unthinkable …
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